We are thrilled to launch our brand-new blog and monthly newsletter, designed exclusively for our valued vaping community! As passionate advocates of all things vaping, we believe in keeping you informed and connected. Each month, our newsletter will bring you the latest updates, exciting product highlights, insightful tips and tricks, and much more, whilst our blog will take a deeper look into our newsletter topics. If you want to receive our free newsletter updates, then don’t forget to make an account on our website and add your email. We are delighted to kick off this inaugural edition by diving deep into the world of current vaping news. So, without further ado, let’s explore the hottest topics and industry developments shaping the vaping landscape!

Vaping myths – The evidence

Undoubtedly, you may have come across various news stories in recent times related to e-cigarettes, which have sparked controversies among the public and media. As a result, there are numerous misconceptions and inaccuracies surrounding e-cigarettes and vaping. This blog aims to debunk some of the most common myths and present the facts.

Public Health England’s independent review on e-cigarettes was conducted by esteemed academics in the field of tobacco control and focuses on providing up-to-date information about vaping among adults and young people in England.

Despite the sometimes confusing media coverage regarding the safety of e-cigarettes, there is supporting evidence that even though not completely risk-free, they are significantly less harmful compared to smoking cigarettes.

This viewpoint is supported by reputable organisations such as Cancer Research UK, Action on Smoking and Health, the Royal College of Physicians, the British Medical Association, and most recently, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, a major science body in the United States.



E-cigarettes must be harmful because they contain nicotine:

Many smokers and ex-smokers incorrectly believe that nicotine is the primary cause of smoking-related cancers, when in fact, evidence shows that nicotine poses minimal risk to health. While nicotine is responsible for the addictive nature of smoking, it is the thousands of other chemicals in cigarette smoke that cause the majority of harm. E-cigarette vapor does not contain tar or carbon monoxide, two highly harmful components found in tobacco smoke. Although some chemicals present in e-cigarette vapor are also found in tobacco smoke, they are present at significantly lower levels. Click here to see the U.K governments review on this matter.


E-cigarettes cause ‘popcorn lung’:

One of the most common concerns is the potential link between e-cigarettes and ‘popcorn lung’. This misconception arose due to the presence of a chemical called diacetyl in some e-liquid flavors, which can lead to a severe lung disease called bronchiolitis obliterans. However, diacetyl is banned as an ingredient in e-cigarettes and e-liquids in the UK. Even when it was detected in some e-liquids in the past, the levels were hundreds of times lower than those found in cigarette smoke. If you are purchasing e-liquid from reputable companies in the U.K that abide by TPD regulations (like BeaumVape), you won’t be at risk from this chemical.


Exposure to e-cigarette vapor is harmful to bystanders:

It is well-established that secondhand smoke is harmful, which is why smoking is prohibited in enclosed public places and workplaces in the UK. However, these laws do not cover vaping, and organizations are free to establish their own policies regarding the use of e-cigarettes on their premises. Unlike cigarettes, e-cigarettes do not release side-stream vapor into the environment; only the exhaled aerosol is emitted. PHE’s 2018 evidence review concluded that passive vaping does not pose any identified health risks to bystanders. Nevertheless, PHE advises organizations to consider the sensitivities of individuals with asthma and other respiratory conditions and make appropriate adjustments when formulating their policies on e-cigarette use.


E-cigarettes are unregulated, and their contents are unknown:

The UK has some of the most stringent regulations for e-cigarettes globally. Under the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016, e-cigarette products must meet minimum standards of quality and safety. They are also subject to packaging and labeling requirements, ensuring consumers have the necessary information to make informed choices. Manufacturers are required to notify the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) about their products, including a comprehensive list of ingredients.

Read the Tobacco regulations from 2016 here


E-cigarettes lead young people to start smoking:

Recent reports reveal no evidence to support the concern that e-cigarettes act as a gateway to smoking among young individuals. Surveys conducted in the UK indicate that while young people may experiment with e-cigarettes, regular use is uncommon and mostly limited to those who already smoke. Furthermore, smoking rates among young people in the UK are actually declining.

Additionally, there is no evidence backing the claim that vaping normalises smoking. In fact, as adult and youth vaping rates increased in the UK, the number of young individuals who believed smoking was unacceptable also rose.

The evidence.


E-cigarettes are ineffective for quitting smoking:

In a separate clinical trial funded by the UK NIHR and published in February 2019, involving nearly 900 participants, it was discovered that a standard e-cigarette was twice as effective as the participants’ chosen combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in helping smokers quit. Both groups received behavioral support, and those in the e-cigarette group experienced faster reductions in cough and phlegm.


E-cigarettes are being used as a Trojan horse by the tobacco industry to maintain smoking habits:

Currently, there is no evidence to support the claim that e-cigarettes are promoting continued smoking. In fact, the situation in the UK indicates the opposite. The number of e-cigarette users who were previously smokers has been increasing in recent years.

Out of the 3.2 million adult e-cigarette users in the UK, over half have completely quit smoking. Additionally, 770,000 individuals have given up both smoking and vaping. Concurrently, success rates in smoking cessation have improved, leading to a significant decline in smoking rates, which currently stand at a record low of 14.9% in England.

Read here for information on adult smoking habits in the U.K from the Office for National Statistics.

To summarise, e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes are not equivalent and should not be treated as such. It is crucial for the seven million smokers in England to be aware of the distinctions and have accurate information to guide their health decisions. While e-cigarettes are not entirely without risk, they carry a fraction of the harm associated with smoking and have assisted numerous smokers in quitting and remaining smoke-free.


One thought on “BEAUM VAPE BLOG 01/06/2023

  1. Excellent to see some facts and evidence about this. I also think, as someone who stopped smoking, and switched to vaping (with Beaum’s help) that it can help people off cigarettes, but I advise them to speak to a reputable stockist, such as yourself, to guide them through the initial set up. I think some try vaping and stop because they have the wrong hardware and/or the wrong liquid or nicotine strength.
    My dad smoked for decades. After a chat with you and purchasing the correct setup, he’s not smoked in about 2 years and is now vaping instead.

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